Who Are We?
Tallulah Academy/Delta Christian was built by the hands of dedicated families in 1969, and ever since the first day of Delta Christian School, Tallulah Academy has been advancing the minds of students. Our school has always been in a class of its own where students and teachers alike pride themselves on excellence. Tallulah Academy is a place where blue and gold hangs proudly from busy hallways to highways and friendships begun will be ever cherished. It is easy to see the pride Tallulah Academy students and alumni give to the combination of primary colors, as they are a reminder of memories ever cherished. It is not Farmers’ Field, Delta Christian, Tallulah Academy, or Wylma Perry Memorial Library that gives those colors a special meaning – it is the people.
Tallulah Academy was built by challengers, fueled by dedication, and headed by success. Teachers at Tallulah Academy understand and work diligently to instill a passion for learning and consideration for greatness in their pupils. These men and women enact positive instruction and initiatives to make students desire to learn. It is the faculty and staff’s goal to mold young minds to become future leaders both understanding and strong. We are TA - a class of our own.
Tallulah Academy Grading System:
Grading Policy:
Tallulah Academy will have uniform grading periods of nine weeks, both the elementary and high school will report grades every nine weeks.
Grading Scale:
100.00 – 89.5 = A
89.4 – 79.5 = B
79.4 – 69.5 = C
69.4 – 64.5 = D
64.4 – 0.00 = F
Grading system for high school dual-enrollment classes:
All dual-enrollment will be graded on a 5 point scale.
A = 5
B = 4
C = 3
D = 2
F = 0
High School:
Semester grades are determined as follows:
- First nine weeks grade multiplied by 40%
- Second nine weeks grade multiplied by 40%
- Semester test multiplied by 20%
- Semester grade is the sum of each of the above weighted results.
Final grades are determined as follows:
- Semester one grade multiplied by 50%
- Semester two grade multiplied by 50%
- Final grade is the sum of each of the above weighted results.
Passing and failing:
- The numerical grade of 64.5 or better is considered passing at Tallulah Academy / Delta Christian School. Students must have a 65 yearly average to receive credit for courses taken.
- A student must pass the last semester to pass for the year. Students must pass a minimum of five subjects.
- 7th and 8th grade students will NOT be promoted if they fail more than one core subject (English, Math, Reading, Science, History) unless the class(es) are repeated in an approved summer school program with a passing grade. The same core class may not be failed for 2 consecutive years.
- 9-12 students must meet all requirements as required by the Louisiana State Department of Education.